Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hockey Night In Hamilton

Welcome to our new blog!

It has been a very busy last 48 hours since we launched our Facebook group, and today we launched our new website!

In the first 48 hours we have gathered over 700 members alone!

Tonight we had a 2 hour meeting going over what we could do with the new site and where we could go with it.

My usual typical approach to anything new like this is to fly by my seat of the pants like I usually do, make it up as we go and change direction as we see fit.

Kind of the same approach when you are skating down the ice with the puck isn't it?!

Tonight we came up with some great ideas on what we could do with the site, we discussed a logo, covering the Bulldogs games, and junior hockey as well.

Lots of great ideas and we look forward to implementing them as we go along.

Many thanks for dropping by!

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