Friday, October 3, 2008

Kenesky Sports

After driving by it for my life time, ( well at least 40 years) I finally stopped into Kenesky Sports today, the icon of hockey in Hamilton, and the birthplace of the modern day goalie pad.

You see it was here that " Pops" Kenesky invented the goalie pad.

It was something else to see all the old pictures and upstairs old hockey greats even signed the wall, I saw Allan Bester's signature and a whole bunch of other players as well, and even coaches.

There was an old set of his pads from 1962 in a glass case as well, you know when you start to look at them closely, it made me wonder if I might have ever worn a pair playing road hockey, heck you never know.

It was like a trip down memory lane in a sort of way also.

One thing that we are looking into is to see if we can get "Pops" recognized in The Hockey Hall of Fame, he is mentioned but not inducted, this we believe is a very important thing to recognize for his achievements in the world of hockey.

Richard spent the day at the library researching and has completed some more on famous Hamiltonian born hockey players.

More to follow.

Chris Ecklund

1 comment:

Isabel said...

Beasley Neighbourhood Association will host a "Neighbourhood Planning Workshop" on November 8th, 2008. There will be a booth set up for "Kenesky Sports" which will have some memorabilia on display.

Isabel Sardella